Read the Bible Using the Easiest Language to Understand
Bible Students
"Come Let Us Reason Together"
*Somewhere in the Bible it says, "In the multitude of words, there is no lacking of sin". Isn't it interesting that the Bible is written in the two most simple, and yet precise languages in the world?
The most precise language of all that clears up any questions left in the Old Testament is the New Testament Greek. God has also left us quotes directly from the Old Testament into the New Testament and when we have looked into those, it has opened up our eyes even more in how the N.T and O.T. are tied together.
Please stay tuned, as we are just beginning to bring out what we've found. We are only beginning to lay out the basics. Can't wait to show you what we've found!
Knowing this now, when someone says, "it's Greek to Me", they really should say "that's English to Me" or "that's Chinese to Me", the two most difficult languages in the world.
The two easiest languages to understand are Hebrew and Greek.
The Bible is written for a 12-year-old to easily understand.
You can do it!