Eternal Judgment

Aion ( ) English translation commonly translated in the (KJV) Bible as: ever, never (in the sense of never for eternity), course, world, while the world standeth, eternal, everlasting, forever, evermore. The word eon, which means age, lifetime or an extermely long period of time comes from this Greek root word. For a more complete study of all the forms of aion, refer to Stegenga pages 94-96.
Krino ( ) English translation (KJV) in order of their occurrences:
1 - judge, judgment, judgment seat
2 - condemn, condemnation
3 - damn, damnation
4 - determine
5 - go to law
6 - call in question
7 - esteem
8 - avenge
9 - sue at the law
10- (my) sentence is
11 - ordain
12 - conclude
13 - think
14 - decree
The words criteria and critical are derived from the Greek word krino. For a more complete study of the Greek root krino refer to Stegenga pages 434-439)
Please notice every place you see imper. (in red), that the word is in the imperative mood, meaning that it is a command. And if you believe that God is speaking to you in that particular instance, you, my friend, are commanded tojudge.
, 3 pers. sing. aor. 1, pass.
English: was determined
Ac 27:1 (1-8) - Example #1
, 3 pers. pl. aor. 1, ind. pass.
English: were judged
Re 20:12, 13 (11-15) - Example #2
, 1 pers. sing. aor. 1, ind. act.
English: I have determined, I determined
Ac 25:25 (25:23-26:23) - Example #3
1 Co 2:2 (1-5) - Example #4
2 Co 2:1 (1:23-2:4) - Example #5
, 2 pers. sing. aor. 1, ind. act.
English: hast - judged
Lu 7:43 (36-50) - Example #6
Re 16:5 (4-7) - Example #7
, 3 pers. sing. aor. 1, ind. act.
English: had determined, hath judged, hath avenged
Ac 20:16 (13-16)
Re 18:20 (1-20)
Re 19:2 (1-10)
, 1 pers. pl. imperf. ind. pass.
English: be judged
1 Co 11:31 (17-34)
, 1 pers. sing. perf. ind. act.
English: have judged, I have determined
1 Co 5:3 (1-8)
Tit 3:12 (12-14)
, 2 pers. pl. perf. ind. act.
English: have judged
Ac 16:15 (12b-15)
, 3 pers. sing. perf. ind. act.
English: hath - decreed
1 Co 7:37 (36-38)
, acc. pl. neut. part. perf. pass.
English: that were ordained
Ac 16:4 (1-4)
, 3 pers. sing. perf. ind. pass.
English: is condemned, is judged
Jn 3:18 (16-21)
Jn 16:11 (1-15)
, aor. 1, inf. pass.
English: sue - at the law, be judged
Mt 5:40 (38-42)
Re 11:18 (15-19)
, 2 pers. pl. fut. ind. pass.
English: shall be judged
Mt 7:2 (1-12)
, 3 pers. pl. fut. ind. pass.
English: shall be judged
Ro 2:12 (12-16)
, 2 pers. pl. aor. 1, subj. pass.
English: be - judged, shall - be judged
Mt 7:1 (1-12)
Lu 6:37 (24-38)
, 3 pers. pl. aor. 1, subj. pass.
English: might be damned, might be judged
2 Th 2:12 (1-12)
1 Pe 4:6 (1-6)
, aor. 1, inf. act.
English: to judge
1 Pe 4:5 (1-6)
, acc. pl. masc. part. aor. 1, act.
English: because -- judge
2 Co 5:14 (11-15)
, nom. pl. masc. part. aor. 1, act.
English: condemning, concluded
Ac 13:27 (13-41)
Ac 21:25 (17-26)
, gen. sing. masc. part. aor. 1, act.
English: when - was determined
Ac 3:13 (11-26)
, 2 pers. pl. aor. 1, imper. act.
English: judge
Jn 7:24 (14-24)
Jn 18:31 (28-32)
Ac 4:19 (13-22)
Ro 14:13 (13-23)
1 Co 10:15 (14-22)
1 Co 11:13 (2-16)
, sing. pres. ind. act. 3 pers.
English: doth -- judge, esteemeth, judgeth
Jn 5:22 (9b-30)
Jn 7:51 (45-52)
Ro 14:5 (2x) (1-12)
1 Co 5:13 (9-13)
Ja 4:11 (11-12)
Re 19:11 (11-16)
, 3 pers. sing. fut. ind. act.
English: shall judge, will judge
Jn 12:48 (44-50)
Ro 2:16 (12-16)
Ro 2:27 (17-29)
Ro 3:6 (1-8)
He 10:30 (26-31)
He 13:4 (1-6)
, pres. inf. act.
English: judge, judged, to judge
Jn 8:26 (21-30)
Ac 17:31 (16-34)
Ac 24:3 (2b-23)
1 Co 5:12 (9-13)
2 Ti 4:1 (1-5)
, 2 pers. sing. pres. ind. act.
English: judgest, dost judge, judge
Ro 2:1 (1-11)
Ro 14:10 (1-12)
Ja 4:11, 12 (11-12)
Re 6:10 (9-11)
, pres. inf. pass.
English: be judged, to be judged, judged, go to law
Ac 25:9, 10 (6-12)
Ac 25:20 (13-22)
Ro 3:4 (1-8)
1 Co 6:1 (1-11)
Ja 2:12 (1-13)
, 3 pers. sing. pres. ind. pass.
English: is - condemned, be thought, shall be judged, goeth to law, is -- judged
Jn 3:18 (16-21)
Ac 26:8 (25:23-26:23)
1 Co 6:2, 6 (1-11)
1 Co 10:29 (25-30)
, 2 pers. pl. pres. ind. act.
English: judge, do -- judge
Mt 7:2 (1-12)
Lu 12:57 (54-59)
Jn 8:15 (12-20)
Ac 13:46 (44-52)
1 Co 5:12 (9-13)
, 2 pers, pl. pres. imper. act.
English: judge
Mt 7:1 (1-12)
Lu 6:37 (24-38)
Jn 7:24 (14-24)
1 Co 4:5 (1-5)
, 3 pers. sing. pres. imper. act.
English: let -- judge
Ro 14:3 (1-12)
Col 2:16 (16-19)
, 3 pers. sing. pres. subj. act.
English: condemn
Jn 3:17 (16-21)
, 1 pers. sing. pres. ind. pass.
English: I am called in question, am I - judged
Ac 23:6 (22:30-23:10)
Ac 24:21 (2b-23)
Ro 3:7 (1-8)
, nom. pl. masc. part. pres. pass.
English: when -- judged
1 Co 11:32 (17-34)
, nom. sing. masc. part. pres. pass.
English: and am judged
Ac 26:6 (25:23-26:23)
, acc. sing. masc. part. pres. act.
English: that judgeth, who judgeth
Jn 12:48 (44-50)
1 Pe 1:17 (13-21)
, nom. pl. masc. part. pres. act.
English: judging
Mt 19:28 (19:27-20:16)
Lu 22:30 (24-34)
, dat. sing. masc. part. pres. act.
English: that judgeth
1 Pe 2:23 (18-25)
, 1 pers. pl. fut. ind. act.
English: shall judge
1 Co 6:3 (1-11)
, 3 pers. pl. fut. ind. act.
English: shall judge
1 Co 6:2 (1-11)
, 1 pers. sing. pres. ind. act.
English: I judge, judge, sentence is
Jn 5:30 (9b-30)
Jn 8:15 (12-20)
Jn 12:47 (44-50)
Ac 15:19 (6-21)
, 1 pers. sing. pres. subj. act.
English: I judge, judge
Jn 8:16 (12-20)
Jn 12:47 (44-50)
, 1 pers. sing. fut. ind. act.
English: will I judge
Lu 19:22 (11-28)
Ac 7:7 (1-53)
, 1 pers. pl. pres. subj. act.
English: let -- judge
Ro 14:13 (13-23)
, nom. sing. masc. part. pres. act.
English: judgeth, judge, that judgest, judgest, that condemneth, who judgeth
Jn 8:50: (31-59)
Ac 23:3 (22:30-23:10)
Ro 2:1(2x), 3 (1-11)
Ro 14:4 (1-12)
Ro 14:22 (13-23)
Ja 4:11 (11-12)
Re 18:8 (1-20)
, nom. pl. neut.
English: damnation, condemned, judgment, condemnation
Mt 23:13 (14-36) (no verse 13, some translations number it as verse 14)
Mk 12:40 (38-40)
Lu 20:47 (45-47)
Lu 24:20 (13-32)
Jn 9:39 (35-41)
Ro 2:2, 3 (1-11)
Ro 3:8 (1-8)
Ro 5:16 (12-21)
Ro 13:2 (1-7)
1 Co 11:29, 34 (17-34)
Ga 5:10 (7-12)
1 Ti 3:6 (1b-13)
1 Ti 5:12 (1-16)
Ja 3:1 (1-12)
1 Pe 4:17 (12-19)
2 Pe 2:3 (1-22)
Ju 4 (3-4)
Re 17:1 (1-18)
Re 18:20 (1-20) (omitted)
Re 20:4 (4-6)
, nom. pl. neut.
English: judgments
Ro 11:33 (25-36)
, acc. pl. neut.
English: go to law
1 Co 6:7 (1-11)
, dat. sing. neut.
English: judgment, condemnation
Mt 7:2 (1-12)
Lu 23:40 (33-49)
, gen. sing. neut.
English: judgment
Ac 24:25 (24-26)
He 6:2 (5:11-6:8)
, dat. sing. dem.
English: judgment
Mt 5:21, 22 (21-26)
Mt 12:41, 42 (38-42)
Lu 10:14 (1-16)
Lu 11:31, 32 (29-36)
, nom. pl. fem.
English: judgments
Re 16:7 (4-7)
Re 19:2 (1-10)
, gen. sing. fem.
English: judgment, damnation
Mt 10:15 (5-15)
Mt 11:22, 24 (20-24)
Mt 12:36 (33-37)
Mt 23:33 (14-36)
Mk 3:29 (20-30)
Mk 6:11 (6b-13)
Jn 5:29 (9b-30)
Jn 16:8, 11 (1-15)
2 Th 1:5 (3-12)
He 10:27 (26-31)
Ja 2:13 (1-13)
2 Pe 2:9 (1-22)
2 Pe 3:7 (1-7)
1 Jn 4:17 (16b-21)
Re 14:7 (6-7)
, acc. sing. fem.
English: judgment, condemnation, accusation
Mt 12:18, 20 (15-21)
Mt 23:23 (14-36)
Lu 11:42 (37-52)
Jn 5:22, 24, 27 (9b-30)
Jn 7:24 (14-24)
1 Ti 5:24 (17-25)
2 Pe 2:4, 11 (1-22)
Ju 6 (5-7)
Ju 9 (8-13)
Ju 15 (14-15)
, nom. sing. fem.
English: condemnation, judgment
Jn 3:19 (16-21)
Jn 5:30 (9b-30)
Jn 8:16 (12-20)
Jn 12:31 (20-36a)
Ac 8:33 (26-40)
He 9:27 (23-28)
Ja 2:13 (1-13)
Re 18:10 (1-20)